Recognising and celebrating the achievements of our pupils and young adults is at the core of our beliefs.
Springhead School works with “Evidence for Learning” an ICT based systems for accessing targets, reviewing evidence and setting new goals.
Evidence for Learning say this about their system:
“It supports an Inquiry-based approach to education and provision, that allows ALL stakeholders in a child, young person or adult’s learning and development to quickly and easily gather photo and video evidence, linked to the individual’s learning goals as well as any key skills frameworks. Observations can be annotated and tagged to reflect your school’s basket of indicators in an instant. Evidence for Learning supports ANY assessment framework and ANY assessment model – including evidencing and tracking progress against individual learning intentions and targets related to Education Health & Care (EHC) Plans. What’s more, teachers can easily amend and add to these goals over time in order to respond to a learners’ ongoing needs and development.“
We look forward to being able to share this exciting development with familes.