
An introduction to The Board of Governors at Springhead School

All our Springhead school governors have the children and young people at the heart of everything we do and every decision that we make.

We are an eclectic Team of people (approximately 12 in number) made up of teachers, staff, parents, carers, ex staff, social, medical and financial backgrounds, all with a high level of interest or experience in SEND.

We all hold a strong commitment to making sure there are high aspirations for all of the students and staff at Springhead School and Sixth Form, with the focus of achieving the best possible attainment for each and everyone.

We are exceptionally well informed by The Senior Leadership Team, meeting as a full governing board, or smaller sub committees. We make regular on site visits to both the main site and sixth form. We participate in open events, carry out curriculum visits, participate in off site visits and adventures, followed by writing up reports and sharing as a group our findings. We are great communicators and love celebrating in the achievements of all our fantastic students.

We have an obligation to support our very highly respected and enthusiastic Head Teacher, Beth; but also hold her to account, with that comes considerable responsibility to us all, with regards to financial budgets, safeguarding and inclusivity in education. We remain robust and effective as a team by knowing the school well, evaluating performance, results, targets and policies. We are all committed to regular training and updating of our own knowledge and understanding, whilst taking time to reflect and engage in supporting our wonderful staff.

We regularly evaluate and compare our standing across the board in schools regarded as special and mainstream, both locally and nationally. We check on our investments to ensure our young people are consistently getting the best possible use of resources, and our staff are given the leading tools and support and enhance their teaching and students learning.

As Chair of Governors, I am immensely proud to be part of this brilliant team. I am always thrilled to hear from our children, young people, staff, parents and carers and always welcome feedback, I can be contacted on my school email or leave a message with the office and I will return your call as promptly as possible.

Alison Matthews

Chair of Governors

Our minutes from meetings are available by contacting the School Office.