Values and Ethos

We provide an educational environment that enriches and enhances every child and young person’s learning and quality of life experiences, by breaking down barriers to learning and participation.

Our Values Statement:

The staff and governors of Springhead School feel that it is important that:
The Pupils / Students:

• Are respected, valued and listened to, and can develop positive relationships and their self-esteem
• Feel part of a caring community, are safe and treated with confidentiality
• Take responsibility for their own actions and develop their awareness of those actions on others
• Are happy, purposeful, confident and independent
• Are able to achieve their own potential, having their achievements recognised and celebrated
• Are actively encouraged to contribute to their reviews and target planning, and whose opinions are used in shaping new provision and evaluating current practice
• Have access to a wide range of effective support and services

The Staff:

• Are committed to the welfare and education of pupils at all times
• Support and motivate each other
• Are flexible, and able to work as part of a team – valuing the principle of a whole school approach
• Communicate effectively
• Are perceptive to others’ needs and concerns
• Work in partnership with parents, governors and other agencies
• Are committed to updating their skills, including through developing evidence-based practice (research)
• Are able to deliver an appropriate curriculum

The Governors:

• Work in partnership with all staff
• Are committed to undertaking appropriate training in order to fulfil their legal responsibilities
• Develop a high profile within the school, as well as being ambassadors of the community
• Are good communicators
• Through access to the daily life of the school, be reflective and supportive of all aspects
• Feel well informed and valued members of the school community

The Parents:

• Feel welcome
• Can be involved in the life of the school, and work in partnership on behalf of their son or daughter
• Have high expectations
• Can be helped to live ‘ordinary’ lives

Teaching and Learning:

• Is of a high standard, using a variety of methods and approaches, and is monitored regularly
• Takes place throughout the school day
• Is sharply focused, with ongoing assessment
• Is stimulating and interesting
• Conforms to statute and school policies
• Gives access to a range of learning opportunities
• Is relevant to the needs of each pupil
• Recognises and promotes achievements in all areas
• Promotes positive behaviour
• Is well planned and recorded
• Demonstrates high expectations of pupils